May is ‘Older Americans’ Month

Were sure the term Older American doesn’t apply to you, but let’s celebrate anyhow.  Looking back at what it takes to be one of those Older Americans, which means you may have been around for some of the following:

  • The Great Depression: Think back of how you heard your parents talk about the stock market crash and the economy.  Think of how it changed the way many of your families grew up very protective of what they had, no matter how large or small.
  • The early days of automobiles: Think back to how special the styling of autos were in the 30’s, 40’ and 50’s.  These were times when travel by automobile was really coming into its own.  A time when roadside motels provided a superb respite for family road trips.
  • Baseball: Just how special was this sport to us as ‘Older Americans?’  Babe Ruth, Joe Dimaggio, Bob Feller, Roberto Clemente are all names that come to mind for this grand sport of ours.  Baseball was the American pastime then and continues its attraction for many fans today.
  • Farms: Back when we were growing up, the success of the American economy had much to do with the family farm.  Back then a summer vacation could have quite likely meant spending a month working at your grandparents’ farm.  Working for vacation, yes, but those were days to be cherished.

Keeping Your Mind and Memory in Tip Top Shape

We hear how important exercise is, but just as important is keeping your mind in top physical shape.  Let’s take a look at how we can continue to engage our attention.  Let’s work to involve more of your senses and to challenge yourself to break one or more routine activities that tend to slow your brain down.

  • Reading: When I was younger I noticed my father would always read the newspaper cover to cover, daily.  I didn’t think about it much, until I was old enough to discuss current events and sports with him on a routine basis.  This simple habit provided him the benefit of mind conditioning while reading the paper and discussing it later.
  • Crossword Puzzles: My wife’s family was a stickler on working the crossword every day, bringing about much discussion of everything from the crossword answer to a full history discussion.
  • Writing: I love to write and its benefits are phenomenal.  Whether it’s a postcard to a friend, a letter to a relative or an attempt at poetry, any method will help keep your mind rolling and your blood pumping.
  • Board games and cards: A crowd favorite, board games and cards keep us thinking while at the same time bringing positive group interaction.

Keep challenging yourself and your brain on a regular basis, remember, it will be worth it.