5 Stroke Prevention Steps You Can Take

Stroke Prevention

A stroke occurs when a clot or other type of obstruction cuts off blood flow to the brain, or there is bleeding in the brain because of a blood vessel bursting. Strokes are incredibly dangerous because they cause brain damage, disability and may even result in death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and […]

What Are Dressing Aids for Seniors?

Dressing Aids for Seniors

When people start getting older, they may experience decreasing range of motion or mobility. This could be because they’re recovering from surgery, have an illness like arthritis or Parkinson’s disease, or simply have mobility issues. Limited dexterity makes the everyday task of getting dressed especially hard for seniors. This can be frustrating, demoralizing, and affect […]

Debunking Common Myths About Assisted Living

myths about assisted living

If you or your loved one need help with everyday activities, assisted living can be a saving grace. It allows seniors to receive help while still allowing them to remain independent. However, many seniors and their families don’t consider this option because of myths about assisted living. Many harmful, outdated, and untrue assisted living myths […]

Energy-Boosting Foods for the Elderly

Energy-Boosting Food for Seniors

As we grow older, we experience more fatigue. Our circadian rhythm changes, muscle mass reduces, and other shifts cause us to tire easily. In addition to being hydrated and getting enough exercise, it’s essential to pay attention to your diet. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), many diseases that older adults suffer from may […]

Dealing With Arthritis Pain in Cold Weather

Arthritis Pain Management

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. suffers from arthritis or inflammation of the joints. Arthritis pain affects approximately 58.5 million Americans and is especially prevalent in older individuals. Winter weather can exacerbate the pain associated with the condition and affect individuals’ quality of life. […]

Geriatric Hip Fractures: Why They’re Dangerous and How to Avoid Them

How to Prevent Hip Fractures in the Elderly

Hip fractures are serious injuries that can have complicated and life-threatening consequences. Geriatric hip fractures are especially dangerous because bones tend to weaken as they grow older. This, combined with balance problems, medication’s side effects, and poor vision, make seniors more susceptible to falls and hip fractures. According to the Centers for Disease Control and […]

Holiday Depression in the Elderly and How to Combat It

Holiday Depression in the Elderly

How to Combat Holiday Depression in the Elderly LISTEN TO THIS ARTICLE For most of us, holidays are a time for celebration and enjoyment. However, this isn’t always the case for many elderly individuals who may be dealing with holiday blues. Holidays can be a difficult time for seniors for a multitude of reasons. They […]

5 Winter Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

Winter Fall Prevention

Preventing Winter Slips and Falls in Seniors LISTEN TO THIS ARTICLE Winter is time to celebrate the holidays with friends and family, but it can often be dangerous for the elderly. Research has consistently shown a higher incidence of slips and falls in winter, especially for older folk. The World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global Report […]

These Common Mistakes Can Boost Your Blood Pressure Reading

Blood Pressure Reading

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 108 million adults in the U.S. suffer from high blood pressure, with only 24% of them having it under control. With half a million hypertension-related deaths in the U.S. in 2018 and high blood pressure putting individuals at risk for stroke and heart […]

The Importance of Senior Exercises and Physical Activity

Senior Exercises are Essential

While most adults think it’s too late to start being physically active, this isn’t true. You can benefit from exercise at any age, and it’s even more critical for senior citizens than other groups. Read on to learn more about the importance of senior exercises. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), […]